Mergers & Acquisitions

Mergers & Acquisitions Activity

VR Mergers & Acquisitions is skilled at identifying qualified acquisition parties for the companies we represent who are looking to buy or sell a business in Pennsylvania.

Whether the transaction involves public or private, domestic or international entities, your decision to have Valued Representation will enhance the chances of a successful transaction.

  • There is more money devoted to buying Mid-Market companies now than ever before in history.
  • Owners with a planned exit strategy are the primary benefactors of the current M&A activity.
  • There are more funded investors for well-run mid-market companies than there are businesses available for acquisition.
  • Industry, financial, and market conditions are causing a surge in mid-market acquisitions.
  • A variety of acquirers have entered the mid-market arena; these include public and private companies, international investors, private equity groups, family trusts, and high-net-worth individuals.

Where is the Mid-Market?

VR considers mid-market businesses those that have grown beyond single manager entities to significant regional or even national stature. By our definition, this usually implies value between $3 million and $50 million. Most of the mid-market is made up of businesses built around a single product area and its natural extensions; therefore, they are not usually multi-market companies with a group of divisions. This characteristic means the business is a stand-alone unit that does not lend itself to being sold in pieces.

Who Are the Sellers?

Owners of mid-market enterprises are a variety of personas. Generally, these businesses can be categorized as closely held private, family or founder, or as an independent subsidiary or division of a larger organization. Owners of closely held mid-market companies usually have invested completely in the business, both financially and emotionally, and feel that the sale of their company is a very significant event in their lives. This is distinct from the situations in which the corporate officers of a Fortune 500 company dispassionately execute a strategic shift by a redeployment of global resources. It is important to understand that both types are active participants in today’s mid-market transactions and are dealt with in a suitable manner.

Is this a right time to sell?

Schedule a confidential appointment with our agent and develop your exit strategy and prepare your business for sale.

Sell a Business
Buy a Business